
As the world of tech moves further and further into serverless, including serverless deployments, at least, using computers that are not managed by myself.


Vercel is a cloud platform that provides managed infrastructure for deploying and running the user-facing parts of web applications. It offers serverless functions, which enable running compute on-demand without managing infrastructure, provisioning servers, or upgrading hardware.

After a few searches on github for pomodoro timers, I found this from Ername J and it looked great! I updated the default language to en, and some translations to English as default, it still supports Portugese.

Smooth deployment via vercel with github

Simply linking vercel to the right github repo, as I use github to sign into vercel, all the access was already granted.

Then a few steps in my CloudFlare DNS provider to link up a simple CNAME to vercel, and then TLS certificates were setup. The new pomodoro timer is complete.


This code is a simple and fun way to get used to Vercel deployments from github, and using a custom domain.